Scientia Botanica Australis Scientia Botanica Australis

NERINE Airless Containers: the game changer

If you're reading this blog, you're probably using anti-ageing products similar NERINE Anti-Ageing Collagen Booster. Is your anti-aging cream delivered in an open jar? Have you ever thought about how air can impact the key components in the cream you use? They undoubtedly do, since prolonged exposure to air reduces the efficiency of many cream's active components. Continue reading to see why the invention of airless containers has been hailed as one of the most significant advances in the cosmetics industry.

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Scientia Botanica Australis Scientia Botanica Australis

NERINE Anti-Aging restores skin oil balance

This article describes the many ways in which skin oil helps to keep your skin healthy and looking young. It nourishes, protects, and calms your skin while keeping it elastic and flexible. We also talk about how the NERINE Anti-Aging cream helps restore the skin's natural oil balance without leaving behind a greasy residue, but rather a pleasant silkiness.

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